Contact us and share registry
Contact us at Tower Limited investor relations
If you have any questions regarding your individual shareholding including dividends, bank account details or changes of address, please contact our share registrar directly.
Share registry
New Zealand
Computershare Investor Services Limited
Level 2, 159 Hurstmere Road
Takapuna, Auckland
Private Bag 92119
Auckland 1142
Freephone within New Zealand: 0800 222 065
Telephone New Zealand: +64 9 488 8777
Facsimile New Zealand: +64 9 488 8787
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067
GPO Box 3329
Melbourne Vic 3000
Freephone within Australia: 1800 501 366
Telephone Australia: +61 3 9415 4083
Facsimile Australia: +61 3 9473 2500
You can also manage your holdings electronically by using Computershare's secure website.
This website enables holders to view balances, change addresses, view payment and tax information and update payment instructions and report options.
TOWER recommends shareholders elect to have any payments direct credited to their nominated bank account in New Zealand or Australia to minimise the risk of fraud and misplacement of cheques. Bondholders payments are made in New Zealand dollars only and TOWER also recommends that all interest payments are direct credited to your nominated bank account in New Zealand.
Please quote your CSN number or shareholder number when contacting Computershare.