Change your address or contact details
It's important that we have the right details for you so we can keep you updated. You can change your address and contact details in My Tower.
Can't use My Tower?
If you've moved house, got a new phone number or email address, we'd love to know about it so we can keep you up to date.
If you don't have a My Tower account, you can request to update your contact details.
- Charlie our chatbot is here to help. Or type 'live agent' to chat with our locally based team.
- Complete the form below, or
- If your prefer to speak to someone you can call us on 0800 379 372.
Have your details changed?
If you've moved house, got a new phone number or email address, we'd love to know about it so we can keep you up to date.
Help us save paper
We want to do our bit for the environment and reduce the amount of paper we print and send out. We're asking our customers to help by choosing to receive information about their policy by email.
If you want to switch to getting your policy information by email, please complete our form.
* Required form fields