Have you met Charlie yet?
Have you lodged a car claim through the Tower website recently and met the newest member of our team, Charlie the chatbot?
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We are excited about being able to use new technology and digital platforms to provide our customers with a quality product and service as well as amazing claims experiences and this is where Charlie comes in.
Chief Customer Officer Michelle James says, “Customers are increasingly looking for convenience, choice and communications on their terms. Many are becoming super comfortable engaging with companies through online chat and chatbots for simple answers, and it’s no different with their insurance provider. It saves them time, puts the control back in their hands and allows them to multi-task, and get on with the things important to them.
“With this in mind, our digital team in collaboration with our claims team, created Charlie. While pretty young and still learning, Charlie is another important step to increase innovation and customer experience through digital platforms.”
Charlie is named after one of our claims agents and started working on the vehicle claims page of our website in October where the bot is readily available to answer any questions about vehicle claims.
Because Charlie is only new to the role there may be instances when the bot doesn’t know the answer. However, Charlie is not a quitter! The bot will inform you that it is still learning and provide a phone number for the Tower team instead.
Charlie is our first small step into artificial intelligence (AI) and an exciting addition to our team. We have big plans for Charlie too, as we hope to better integrate Charlie with our systems so the bot can answer harder questions. However, in the first instance to get Charlie up to speed we need your help. Charlie learns through being asked questions, so get online and use Charlie. You may be surprised at what he already knows, in fact Charlie is open to sharing the odd joke so don’t be shy!
Rest assured Charlie is not there to sell product, just available to help answer your questions to mitigate using the phone.
So look Charlie up now and get chatting. Charlie is super friendly and looks forward to hearing from you!
Got a question for Charlie?
Head to our Claims section and click 'Chat with us' to ask Charlie your claims question now.