2017 News
Read Tower's media releases from 2017.Read our news articles:
Insurance Policy Wins English Award
Tower Insurance is proud that its latest simple and easy House Insurance policy has won a Plain English Award.
Kaikoura & Edgecumbe Claims Finalised
Thanks to a claims team established to provide dedicated support to customers affected by the earthquake, Tower has finalised 100% of motor claims.
Fintel Refund
In March 2016 we reported an error in calculating multi-policy discounts. Following this, steps were immediately taken to correct the error.
Suncorp Reaches 19.99% Threshold
Find out more about the Suncorp Group Limited’s stake in Tower Insurance.
Suncorp's Off-Market Share Offer
Tower Limited understands that Suncorp Group Limited’s stake in Tower has now reached 19.99% of shares for which it has paid $1.40 per share to date.
Non-Binding Proposal from Vero
Tower Limited confirms that it has now received a non-binding indicative proposal from Suncorp Group Limited.