Your house insurance policy is renewing soon. Now's a good time to check your policy and make sure it's up to date.
- Is this still the right policy for you? Check the table of benefits in your policy wording to compare the different plans.
- If there are any changes to your cover, we’ll tell you about them in the renewal pack we send to you by email or post.
- Check your sum insured is still sufficient to cover the costs to rebuild your house. Our calculator can help. In My Tower you can use the pencil icon if you need to change this.
- Have you made any changes to your house? Completed renovations or added new features? Check the details on your certificate and if anything needs updating, let us know.
- Have your circumstances changed? You need to let us know if anything has changed that may affect your policy, see the disclosures form on our website.
- Your premium may have changed – understand what makes up your premium here.
- Happy with your excess? You can adjust this any time. In My Tower you can simply click the pencil icon to edit.
- Paying by direct debit? Sit back and relax. Your policy will renew automatically.
- Paying manually? See your latest invoice for instructions on how to make a payment. You can make your payment online up to 3 days before the due date.
Your contents insurance policy is renewing soon. Now's a good time to check your policy and make sure it's up to date.
- Is this still the right policy for you? Check the table of benefits in your policy wording to compare the different plans.
- If there are any changes to your cover, we’ll tell you about them in the renewal pack we send to you by email or post.
- Have you got any special items? Things like mobile phones and jewellery might need to be listed if they’re worth more than the limits.
- Bought new stuff? Check your sum insured is still sufficient to cover everything you own. In My Tower you can use the pencil icon if you need to change this.
- Have your circumstances changed? You need to let us know if anything has changed that may affect your policy, see the disclosures form on our website.
- Your premium may have changed – understand what makes up your premium here.
- Happy with your excess? You can adjust this any time. In My Tower you can simply click the pencil icon to edit.
- Paying by direct debit? Sit back and relax. Your policy will renew automatically.
- Paying manually? See your latest invoice for instructions on how to make a payment. You can make your payment online up to 3 days before the due date.
Your car insurance policy is renewing soon. Now's a good time to check your policy and make sure it's up to date.
- Is this still the right policy for you? Check the table of benefits in your policy wording to compare the different plans.
- If there are any changes to your cover, we’ll tell you about them in the renewal pack we send to you by email or post.
- Has someone new started driving your car, or are you using your car for business? Please contact us to discuss this further.
- Have your circumstances changed? You need to let us know if anything has changed that may affect your policy, see the disclosures form on our website.
- Your premium may have changed – understand what makes up your premium here.
- Happy with your excess? You can adjust this any time. In My Tower you can simply click the pencil icon to edit.
- Paying by direct debit? Sit back and relax. Your policy will renew automatically.
- Paying manually? See your latest invoice for instructions on how to make a payment. You can make your payment online up to 3 days before the due date.