Discover (continued)
- Power up your plugs like a pro
- Prevent plumbing problems
- Renters' contents insurance demystified
- Repairing your devices
- Silt and debris removal after a natural hazard
- Tips to enjoy a safe beach holiday
- Land categorisation
- Tips for insuring your first home
- Seatbelt and car seat safety for kids
- Self-driving cars
- Something's happened to my house… now what?
- Sustainable building and renovations
- The 101 on renovation cover
- The six do's and don'ts of DIY
- Tips for buying a second-hand boat
- Tips to keep your boat in shape
- Top 10 tips to get your boat ready for summer
- Tower champions gender diversity and inclusion
- Tower translates: Gradual damage
- Travel insurance tips
- Warrant of Fitness checklist
- Water & flood damage: What's covered?
- Ways to save on petrol
- What are the dangers of using old tyres?
- Warm and worry-free ways to heat your home
- Ways to save on house insurance
- What are the risks of push-starting your car?
- What should you do after a natural flood?
- What to do before and after a flood
- When do I need lifestyle block insurance?
- What to do if your home's burgled
- What to do in a car accident
- What to do in a tsunami
- What to do in an earthquake
- What to pack in an emergency grab bag
- When to claim pet insurance
- Where's the best place to safely park your car?
- Why do house insurance premiums change?
- Why not-to-use your phone while driving
- Your insurance renewal checklist
- Your quick guide to inflation and insurance in NZ
- LPG cylinder safety tips
- Meet the local heroes, Coastguard